30 Day Plank Challenge!

When I had a job I used to walk to work every day. This was 20 minutes there and 20 minutes back. During my 9 hour shift I would also be on my feet all day and constantly moving. This was my only form of exercise and now being self-employed I’ve realised I took that exercise for granted and I’ve gained a little bit of weight over the past few months now that my job consists of sleeping in and sitting at my desk all day.

Because of this, I started up a 30 day challenge exercise routine yesterday (I know, I’m a couple of years behind when they were all the rage but whatever). It’s only been 2 days and I can already feel my legs hating me. This shows how long I’ve been out of the ‘fitness’ game I guess.

This post isn’t really anything special or about my goals to lose weight or whatever but it’s more about making people aware that by giving something up it may also mean you’re giving up other things that are beneficial to you. So let’s all be aware of what changes in our lives and adjust accordingly!

I’ve attached the small challenges I’m doing to the post and the little chart I’m using to tick off as each day goes by just in case some of my followers would like to join in with me as I go.

I’ll keep you all posted on my progress!


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