The Climb

Welcome to the first post of Art By Corey’s blog!

I wasn’t sure where to start with my first blog so I thought I’d write a post about what people can expect when keeping up with my posts.

So first, a little bit about who I am:

My name is Corey. I am a self-appointed artist and writer specialising in spray paint art and working on many writing pieces where I wish to one day be published by a proper agency. I say ‘proper’ because I did finish a novel when I was 19 years old and made a trip to the UK to try and become published but I ended up self-publishing the book on amazon. I won’t name the book here as it didn’t do well and promoting my work isn’t what this blog is about.

If you’ve stumbled across this blog without already knowing I’m an artist you can check out my facebook page here:

I’m 27 years old. My life in a nutshell; I grew up in Taranaki, New Zealand and studied Industrial Design at Victoria University Wellington but dropped out because I wanted to write. Many people ask why I didn’t just move my degree into a field that could have helped me with writing but my honest answer is because I was sick of the rules. I was sick of being judged and marked based on what other people thought was the ‘right way’ to do things. So I went out on my own and did what I wanted to do. Albeit, this was a rash decision but I’m a risk taker. I’m the type of person when if I’m not happy then I will make a drastic change and put myself in a spot where I don’t know of the outcome. This is when I am most motivated and will move mountains.

What am I doing at the moment? Right now, I am working solely from my art page, selling art, book foldings and also studying an Advanced Diploma of Journalism with an online institute. Yes, this contradicts my previous statement of doing things my own way but I can honestly say after spending years on my own it has made me very fascinated in the subject and I’m enjoying an online education more than I ever did at school or university. I highly recommend it if you’re anything like me!

What’s the point of this blog? The reason I’ve started this blog is purely to share my experiences of my journey. Miley Cyrus once release a song named The Climb and its meaning perfectly sums up what I’m going through. Where will my journey end? It doesn’t matter. I’m enjoying the climb to pushing myself through things I never thought I had the power to do and I love it. I’m hoping that by sharing this experience, good times and the bad, it will motivate other people to chase their dreams as well– even if it’s just one person. And I like to think I’m a bit cheeky and humorous at times so getting a few laughs out of people will always be a plus!

I hope to be posting here regularly so definitely feel free to pop by every now and again to see what I’m getting up to. Today I’m an artist selling low-cost paintings online but you never what I’ll be tomorrow!

Watch this space!


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